My Hubbin and I

My Hubbin and I

Friday, January 29, 2010

#4 and #5

4) Have weekly "meetings" with Joel about meal plans, workout plans, and finances

This one is pretty self-explanatory...yet we ahve failed miserably at it! LOL. I guess we will keep trying!

5) Help Joel meet his goals

This one has been a challenge for me so far...I don't know what to do to help him achieve his goals because it seems the only one he cares about is the money one....I know its not, but that is what it seems like. So I have let myself just kind of get in a slump and not even try to think of ways to help him...I need to get on this.

I did NOT work out last night. I did, however come up with a new strategy...On days that I don't plan on actually going to the gym and working out I am going to stop every hour on the hour during work and spend at least five minutes moving...wiggling, walking, dancing, just some sort of movement rather than sitting at my desk in front of my computer (like now, hehe). This I did twice yesterday, so at least that is something...

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