My Hubbin and I

My Hubbin and I

Saturday, June 26, 2010


With our anniversary a few weeks ago and rereading "A Time To Dance" by Karen Kingsbury, I decided I needed to hang up our vows.... Hubbin and I decided after we got married that we need to hang them up in a place we can read them every day and remember what we promised each other. But, like so many other things (creating our own Wedding Album, reprinting certain pictures for frames, blowing up pictures for frames, etc), we have never done it....
Today seemed like a good day to get started on that little project...and it seems like a good surprise for Hubbin since he ended up having to work today.

As I read them I was struck by how many times I have failed to keep every word. How often I have not even tried to be understanding, but have just cut him down (whether in public or in private). I don't want to be that way anymore...I know I will always fail, I am human after all, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. Being human doesn't give me an excuse to just give up and throw in the towel. I love Hubbin more than anything else on this earth and I can not immagine life without him...

God, please help me to be a better wife to my Hubbin. I can't do it on my own, I need you now...

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I hope you don't mind me leaving you a comment. I noticed you have a heart for Him and are a follower of Katie Davis' blog. I'm a 26 year old woman from England who has been called of God to become a Mama to many Ugandan children. I move to Uganda in January of next year and will be taking in children & loving them, just like Katie. I wondered if you might perhaps be interested in my blog. The link is:
    If you aren't, please just ignore this message.
    Have a lovely day!
