The enemy doubles his efforts when a breakthrough is right around the corner...I was reminded of this truth while reading a book this weekend. It made me think of all Hubbin has gone through the last few months and caused me to pray for the breakthrough that MUST be right around the corner!
Yesterday we were supposed to go to the lake with D for his birthday celebration, but he texted me at 2:30 pm to ask that we not go to the lake and just hang out instead. Since it was his birthday celebration we readily agreed.
When he got to our house he promptly told us he could be fired from his job for showing an icon on his computer....immediately my thoughts went straight to "The enemy doubles his efforts when a breakthrough is right around the corner."
Its a tough situation, and it stinks because he is getting ready to make a HUGE commitment to the Lord and take a GIANT step of faith in literally one month. Please pray that God works in this situation to bring Himself glory and D's good. If he does end up fired pray he is able to find a job right away-either here or where he is moving in a month. This weird circumstance clearly shows God's leading in D's life right now. Pray he is able to take whatever happens in stride while knowing he is doing what he was created to do.
I heard on the radio this morning that prayer is "the most talked about thing that no one does" in Christian circles....we talk about it all the time, we talk about doing it, we talk about our wonderful experiences and amazing answers to prayer. But all this talk is wasted breath unless we put our hearts where our mouths are and JUST DO IT!
Pray people, pray for Mr. D, He needs it right now. Hubbin needs it right now. And I am sure you can think of people in your own life who need it right now. It is my firm belief that the Holy Spirit prompts us to pray for people by bringing them to our memories and into our minds. Don't just think about them and enjoy the memory, PRAY for them! Take action!
August 2, 2010
UPDATE ON D: D did not end up getting fired. In fact, he got a call from an agent in Okyland last week and has a meeting/second interview with her on Friday. THe lady practically hired him over the phone! Yay! He has found roommates and a duplex to share with them as well. God is GOOD!
This is simply a blog about me-what I'm thinking and feeling about what is going on in my life. In short, it is about ANYTHING!
My Hubbin and I
Saturday, June 26, 2010
With our anniversary a few weeks ago and rereading "A Time To Dance" by Karen Kingsbury, I decided I needed to hang up our vows.... Hubbin and I decided after we got married that we need to hang them up in a place we can read them every day and remember what we promised each other. But, like so many other things (creating our own Wedding Album, reprinting certain pictures for frames, blowing up pictures for frames, etc), we have never done it....
Today seemed like a good day to get started on that little project...and it seems like a good surprise for Hubbin since he ended up having to work today.
As I read them I was struck by how many times I have failed to keep every word. How often I have not even tried to be understanding, but have just cut him down (whether in public or in private). I don't want to be that way anymore...I know I will always fail, I am human after all, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. Being human doesn't give me an excuse to just give up and throw in the towel. I love Hubbin more than anything else on this earth and I can not immagine life without him...
God, please help me to be a better wife to my Hubbin. I can't do it on my own, I need you now...
Today seemed like a good day to get started on that little project...and it seems like a good surprise for Hubbin since he ended up having to work today.
As I read them I was struck by how many times I have failed to keep every word. How often I have not even tried to be understanding, but have just cut him down (whether in public or in private). I don't want to be that way anymore...I know I will always fail, I am human after all, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. Being human doesn't give me an excuse to just give up and throw in the towel. I love Hubbin more than anything else on this earth and I can not immagine life without him...
God, please help me to be a better wife to my Hubbin. I can't do it on my own, I need you now...
Monday, June 21, 2010
My Baby Nephew

It seems hard to believe it has been nine and a half months since he was born! And I'm not even one of his parents!
I've only seen him twice his whole life (Once when he was born and once at Christmas time when his family was here for the Holidays). But I am SO excited to hold and hug and play with him! They (see Nate and Heather, I love you too! You just aren't as cute as your son! lol) will be here in one week and five days! And they are staying for over a week! Oh SO exciting! After spending the weekend with Miss Bailey B (my neice who turned FIVE last thursday) and her little sister Kacey (six months old) at Miss B's birthday party and then Father's Day lunch, I'm excited to see Ethan (and his parents).

She is TOO cute! And boy does she know it sometimes! LOL

Aren't her pig tails just adorable? And her smile is contagious!
That's my story....The only nephews not pictured in this blog are Tyler and Travis, and that's only because I don't have pictures of them on my phone yet!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Review of the Anderson Ocean Club & Spa...Err Trip to Myrtle Beach Part 1
As mentioned before we left, we did not use the "Spa" part of the hotel. In fact, we didn't even look at it. Consequently, I have no review for that.
First, this was actually a "loft" condo, meaning the main room was the bed/living/dining room. There was a seperate small kitchen and large bathroom (not joking, the bathroom was bigger than the kitchen!). It was all gorgeous, but I don't have any pictures of it since I was MUCH more interested in this:
It was GORGEOUS the ENTIRE time we were there. The weather was AWESOME and the ocean was AMAZING!
There was also a Memorial Day Parade when we were there:
It was ok, we watched it from our balcony and then went swimming in the OCEAN!
Oh, right, back to the was furnished fantastically and had a lazy river and pool that was not too cold for me as well as both an indoor and outdoor hot tub. But again, the ocean was AWESOME! We went boogie boarding and I totally wiped out a few times. One time I literally did a cartwheel inside the wave because I caught it wrong.
We also went to the USS Battleship North Carolina since we were so close.
It was Tons of fun pretending to shoot the guns. Plus it was HUGE.
He fit right in!
And he tried to figure out exactly HOW the doors worked, but none of them were in functioning order! LOL
This is how big the bullets were (my Hubbin is 6' 5"):
And then he pretended to shoot the guns:
Look how big the chains and anchors were!
We had fun, and I am done for now!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I have been inspired to be better before, and this time is no different...except that I want it to be...I want to actually BE BETTER. I want to be a better person, wife, daughter, and friend. I really do. And not just for a week, but a lifetime...
I WANT to work out...I read an article last week about the exact wording we use when speaking to ourselves about things we want to accomplish. It said we need to use words like "want" instead of "need" for example, "I want to work out today" rather than "I need to work out today." With the justification that saying "want" instead of "need" makes you more likely to work out because it is not a "have-to" it is a "want-to." This could go either way in my book, but I thought it was intriguing. A different take on the self-motivation factor of working out. Honestly, its one I have never heard before and I guess its worth a try.
These two blogs are inspiring to say the least:
This one is written by Jenny Simmons from the band Addison Road:
She is an amazing writer and this particular post is about living in your reality rather than wishing you were somewhere else.
This one is written by Suzanne, a "non-blogger" who blogs all the time.
It is about balancing your priorities, and how, if you do so, everything else falls into place.
These two blog posts are inpsiring...strive to create and hold onto my priorities while living in the present rather than on a caribbean island with my toes in the sand!
I WANT to work out...I read an article last week about the exact wording we use when speaking to ourselves about things we want to accomplish. It said we need to use words like "want" instead of "need" for example, "I want to work out today" rather than "I need to work out today." With the justification that saying "want" instead of "need" makes you more likely to work out because it is not a "have-to" it is a "want-to." This could go either way in my book, but I thought it was intriguing. A different take on the self-motivation factor of working out. Honestly, its one I have never heard before and I guess its worth a try.
These two blogs are inspiring to say the least:
This one is written by Jenny Simmons from the band Addison Road:
She is an amazing writer and this particular post is about living in your reality rather than wishing you were somewhere else.
This one is written by Suzanne, a "non-blogger" who blogs all the time.
It is about balancing your priorities, and how, if you do so, everything else falls into place.
These two blog posts are inpsiring...strive to create and hold onto my priorities while living in the present rather than on a caribbean island with my toes in the sand!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Jen Jen or Jen or Mrs Skavy
I have a friend (shocking I know, lol!) named Jen. She is the greatest, and I got to talk to her on the phone today (she lives in ND and I live here in CO so the phone is the BEST!)! I love talking to her because she brings up the important issues in life and the rest of it she just lets go...
We talk about where we are spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. We talk about the plans we have for the future, and where we are trusting God the most at the moment. We talk about our husbands and Miss Emily (her gorgeous [on the inside and the outside] daughter). We talk about our jobs and our goals for our finances. Truly, if she lived closer I am sure we would spend at least one night a week together (with families in tow or not, lol). We used to spend more time together than that when we went to the same college in podunk ND.
Anyway, my point is, Jen is amazing and this is my tribute to her!
We talk about where we are spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. We talk about the plans we have for the future, and where we are trusting God the most at the moment. We talk about our husbands and Miss Emily (her gorgeous [on the inside and the outside] daughter). We talk about our jobs and our goals for our finances. Truly, if she lived closer I am sure we would spend at least one night a week together (with families in tow or not, lol). We used to spend more time together than that when we went to the same college in podunk ND.
Anyway, my point is, Jen is amazing and this is my tribute to her!
Friday, June 11, 2010
The Nut Guy
The Mountain Man comes to the office in LaSalle (you know, the building where I work sometimes…lol) every once in awhile. Ok, I’m sure he has a schedule, I just haven’t paid enough attention to know how often the guy actually comes.
He sells all kinds of candy, chocolate, meat, and…nuts. Jennifer and ReNae, being themselves, have taken to calling him the “Nut Guy.” Jennifer calls me on the phone to tell me “The Nut Guy is here” (while the Nut Guy is standing in her office) every time he shows up. I think she does this just to see what his reaction will be that day...
I go out there to see what kind of fattening super-yummy food I can purchase from him….this turns out bad for me every time, he always has SOMETHING that looks, smells, or tastes fantastic! Its just not right.
Anyway, I’m pretty sure his appearance in the office creates enough jokes for at least two hours! And they are NOT good jokes…
That is all for now...
He sells all kinds of candy, chocolate, meat, and…nuts. Jennifer and ReNae, being themselves, have taken to calling him the “Nut Guy.” Jennifer calls me on the phone to tell me “The Nut Guy is here” (while the Nut Guy is standing in her office) every time he shows up. I think she does this just to see what his reaction will be that day...
I go out there to see what kind of fattening super-yummy food I can purchase from him….this turns out bad for me every time, he always has SOMETHING that looks, smells, or tastes fantastic! Its just not right.
Anyway, I’m pretty sure his appearance in the office creates enough jokes for at least two hours! And they are NOT good jokes…
That is all for now...
Monday, June 7, 2010
The Beauty of a Cotton Glove
The older I get (not that I think I'm old or anything) the more I value the cotton glove. Now, it could be any old cotton glove, but I much prefer the cotton gloves used in the oilfield. Maybe this is me growing up around these gloves, and maybe it is me being too lazy to try (and like) a different kind of cotton glove. But, maybe it is just me being cheap! You see, I get standard oilfield cotton gloves for FREE! (That’s what happens when my Husband, Dad, and two brothers work in the oilfield! LOL) Don’t get me wrong, I never used to like those gloves. They are too big for my hands, they don’t keep water out, etc. However, the last few years I began using them whenever I didn’t want to ruin a pair of gloves or just didn’t have anything else on hand.
I have kept a pair of these gloves in the trunk of my car since I turned 16 (for changing tires on the side of the road or whatever). This winter I discovered these gloves are PERFECT for keeping my hands warm while cleaning the snow off my car in the morning. They are also perfect for cleaning up weeds (with stickers) at my In-Laws place, keeping my hands from getting splinters while working with any kind of wood, moving dirt, keeping my hands from getting blisters while using shovels/rakes/hoes, and last but not least building valves.
In conclusion, cotton gloves are AMAZING. They are useful for SO MANY different things, and everyone should own a pair! Ok, everyone should own more than one pair! It should be a staple in everyone’s home. I keep some on the shelf in the coat closet and you should too!
SIDE NOTE: A little over-the-top with the gloves? Yes, but I really do love them!
Also, I will be posting a review of the hotel we stayed in over Memorial Day Weekend as well as stories from the last few weeks over the next few days.
I have kept a pair of these gloves in the trunk of my car since I turned 16 (for changing tires on the side of the road or whatever). This winter I discovered these gloves are PERFECT for keeping my hands warm while cleaning the snow off my car in the morning. They are also perfect for cleaning up weeds (with stickers) at my In-Laws place, keeping my hands from getting splinters while working with any kind of wood, moving dirt, keeping my hands from getting blisters while using shovels/rakes/hoes, and last but not least building valves.
In conclusion, cotton gloves are AMAZING. They are useful for SO MANY different things, and everyone should own a pair! Ok, everyone should own more than one pair! It should be a staple in everyone’s home. I keep some on the shelf in the coat closet and you should too!
SIDE NOTE: A little over-the-top with the gloves? Yes, but I really do love them!
Also, I will be posting a review of the hotel we stayed in over Memorial Day Weekend as well as stories from the last few weeks over the next few days.
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