My Hubbin and I

My Hubbin and I

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Old Friends, Babies, and Worry

Olivia, a friend of mine from college is here visiting…well, she is really here for her baby girl (adorable btw) to have a scope to figure out why she keeps getting sick (poor little one…and poor Mom with all those sleepless nights!). Anyway, Hubbin and I finished painting the basement and stairwell tan in anticipation of her arrival. Now all we have left to do it clean the carpets and paint the baseboard white….we may end up just ripping it off and starting over with the baseboard as the carpet was installed after the baseboard so to paint it in place is going to be a pain. But that is not what I am trying to get at!
My point is, after work yesterday I went home and finished cleaning the house for when she arrived, and boy am I glad I did! Little Maddy was down rolling on the floor within a few hours of getting there (she had been cooped up in a carseat for five hours!). While I was cleaning I noticed how nervous I was for her to get there. I don’t know why, maybe because I hadn’t seen her in four years! Maybe because Hubbin and I have never had guests from out of town stay with us before (with the exception of my wonderful Matron of Honor and her beautiful Flower Girl daughter and her fantastic Pastor Husband right before our wedding….but I was so concerned with the wedding that I didn’t get nervous at them coming, I was just excited!). And maybe it was all just for no reason.

In any case, I read something that suggested I keep track of all of my worries for a few days. This was one of them. And I have yet to figure out why (for sure) I was so worried about it, but I suspect it was a combination of all of the above! And heck, I have a clean house out of the deal!

I also worried about the current Erickson “feud” (I say “feud” lightly, because it isn’t a huge deal, but it is a somewhat strange argument…) And then I worried about how much MORE work Hubbin and I are going to have to do because of it…I know that it doesn’t really matter in the end. No one is going to love anyone any more or any less because of it. But it does get frustrating sometimes…

Hubbin took his phone for a swim, so I was concerned that he would lose his contact list. Turns out he didn’t. His phone turned back on and the Verizon man was able to get everything off of it.

I have worried about the meeting I have with my boss on Friday…I have worried about Mom-I so hope she gets super-well soon!...I have worried about Dad, I know how he hates to just sit for days on end so I know he is not having the time of his life right now….I worry about Hubbin and whether he will ever get a promotion…I worry about the stupid ticket Hubbin was given last week and pray it gets taken care of appropriately and that Hubbin doesn’t end up having to go to jail over something he didn’t even do!...

I worry about so many different things on a daily basis. I didn’t even realize I did so, but I do. And now the challenge to attempt to consciously turn over each and every worry to the Lord every time it crosses my mind. I know I can do it, but that doesn’t mean it will be easy!

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