When we left the driveway Kirk said something about the Templeman's "12 children." Eileen and I corrected him and told him that contrary to popualr belief they only have 5 children. Then we stopped at Wal-Mart to get fishing licenses and lunchmeat only to hear KIrk say the Templemans have "12 hundred children." Again, Eileen corrected him, but Kirk, being Kirk, didn't care. By the time we got to the Moose Visitor Center to meet them they had "12 thousand children." When I shared this with Sarah she pomptly said, "Oh no, we have just under 12 thousand children." So, the running joke became that they have 11,999 children. Add in the adults, and I camped with 12,004 other people! And what a camping trip it was!
We were supposed to meet the Templemans at the Moose Visitor Center on Friday evening, but when we got there at 10:00 there was no one (except a nice ranger) there. So we left a message on their cell phone saying we would be back Sat morning at 8:30. We showed up and waited....
But we had fun doing so!
And then Sarah called my cell phone from somewhere and she came and found us! Yay!
We saw a Moose down where we were camping (right next to a little river)
We sent the munchkins down the river in a raft...ok, Curtis, Kirk, and Bailey did. We just caught them at the end!
And played fetch with Suga...she LOVED it! Especially playing in the water!
Isn't where we stayed beautiful?
On Sunday we all went for a hike to Lake Agnes before coming home